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CA technologie

Hledam nejaky seznam zkratek spojenych s CA, cili Computer Aided. (CAD, CAM…)

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Zajímavá 1Pro koho je otázka zajímavá? annas před 5210 dny Sledovat Nahlásit

Nejlepší odpověď
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CAD Computer Aided Design
CADD Computer Aided Design And Drafting
CADIS Computer Aided Design Interactive System
CAE Common Application Environment

CAE Computer Assisted Education
CAE Computer Aided Engineering
CAF Crunched Article File
CAH Computer Aided Handling
CAI Computer Aided Instruction

srov. zdroj
CAISE Computer Aided Integrated Software Engineering
CAL Cakewalk Application Language
CAL Cad Abstraction Layer
CALE Computer Aided Language Engineering
CALL Computer Aided Language Learning
CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning
CALS Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAMAC Computer Automated MeAsurement Control
CAP Computer-Aided Planning
CAPP Computer Aided Production Planning
CAPPC Computer Aided Production Planning and Control
CAPSC Computer Aided Production Scheduling and Control
CAQ Computer Aided Quality Assurance
CAR Computer Aided Roboting
CAR Computer Assisted Radiology
CARD Computer-Aided Requirements Definition
CARE Computer Aided Re Engineering
CAS Computer Aided Selling
CAS Computed Answer Substitution
CAT Computer Aided Testing
CAT Computer Assisted Translation
CATS Computer Assisted Trouble Shooting
CBA Computer Based Assessment
CBM Computer Based Multimedia
CBT Computer Based Training

Zdroj: www.abbreviati­ons.com/acronym­s/GENERALCOMP/24

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